Evanescent, airy and at the same time earthly, baroque and full in their concern for matter, the lyrical abstractions of Ada Sorrentino pervade wide surfaces with diffused light vibrations, gentle ripples and solar transparencies made precious by the use of gold, together with the thickening of the shading, the lumps and color stratifications, icy, silent universes.
And there, in the doubleness of the contrasts between full and empty, lightness and heaviness, expansions and implosions that characterizes these works, a further tension comes through, the vibrating in unison of spirituality and matter: an intuition one grasps on the canvas sweeping away any apparent illusion.
In the large oil paintings made from 1986 until today - that go from "Le 4 stagioni" (The four seasons), to "Paesaggio ambientale" (Environmental landscape), "Energia cosmica" (Cosmic energy), "Gioia di vivere" (Joy of living), and others being exhibited - the cycles of life disentangle like abstract narrations of the soul, in which, at times, an inner figuration emerges that joins with rarefied and Edenic memories of forms, human shapes, trees, clouds, birds, clear stretches of water. And there is a continual conversing between an invisible essence and the actual manifestations of reality that produces secret emotions, while a primordial rhythm stresses the eternal alternating of the seasons, in nature as well as in human existence.

Silvia Sperandio, Milano 1996.

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ada sorrentino
creazioni artistiche "as"